Urging male colleagues to become champions of women

March 25, 20151 minute read

According to a recent article in Wall Street Journal, “Men Pitch In to Boost Women at Work,” – “’corporate leaders have come to recognize that men must work alongside women to create meaningful gender-equity improvements.” Several organizations are working actively toward achieving this end, and AWESOME is now in its third year of involving men in the annual Symposium.

The WSJ cites innovative programs initiated by Catalyst, a nonprofit group that tracks and advances women’s advancements, and White Men as Full Diversity Partners LLC, a firm founded 20 years ago to “inspire leaders to take courageous action to create and sustain inclusive workplace culture.” The author of the article, Joann Lublin states that men’s participation “highlights a significant shift for U.S. corporate diversity efforts.”

The National Association for Female Executives included executive men for the first time at its December meeting. AWESOME included a men’s panel at the first AWESOME Symposium in 2013, and that session has become a regular and very well received feature. This year’s panel at the Symposium on May 6-7 will focus on “Collaboration in Action: Working Together for Impact – A Candid Conversation.”

(The entire WSJ article is available online to subscribers of the publication.)