Recommendations address slow progress in advancing women leaders

September 04, 20192 minute read

The latest “collective wisdom” of senior supply chain leaders on the topic of moving women’s leadership forward has been compiled in a new AWESOME Action Agenda. Seven Smart Moves for Making Bigger Waves for Women’s Leadership will be released at CSCMP EDGE on September 15-18 in Anaheim.

The report acknowledges that “Throughout the spectrum of all professions and industries that have typically been led by men, progress is still slow.” Some of the statistics that support that conclusion include:

Based on brainstorming sessions held among participants of the 2019 AWESOME Symposium, leaders have the ability and the responsibility to make change happen if they take steps that are likely to have the greatest impact. The discussions focused on areas where leaders can focus their efforts and reach up, reach out, reach in, reach back, and reach across. The report identifies seven ways to make waves and make a difference.

Following the initial release at CSCMP EDGE, the report will be available on the AWESOME website.