New survey finds fewer women on the path to CFO

November 15, 20171 minute read

A survey by CFO Signals™ has pointed to a decline in the number of women who are the direct reports of CFOs at large organizations, which is viewed as the pipeline for the next generation of CFOs.

According to a blog posted on the Wall Street Journal’s website by two Deloitte executives, Carol Larson and Ajit Kambil, two main factors may explain this decline: unconscious bias and women’s own approach to advancing their careers.

The blog also refers to a 2009 study by Deloitte that assessed the issues confronting women as they rise through the ranks of finance to the CFO position. That study also identified “five common traits and values that combine to create the ‘total package’ required to succeed in demanding CFO positions.”

These include curiosity, courage, perseverance, confidence and ethical responsibility.